Internationales Frauen-Forum (IFF) Hamm e.V.

The diversity of migrant women enriches our city. Migration opens up new perspectives and opportunities, but can also contain difficulties that arise from unresolved legal situations, the lack of education and training, the family situation, experiences of violence, problems with the community of origin, poverty or language difficulties.

Migrant women are not a homogeneous group. They differ in terms of their country of origin, their social background, their level of education, their family situation, their migration history, etc. Many have migrated under difficult circumstances, for example fled from armed conflict and took enormous risks. Others have come as workers, have started businesses here, or have come to get married. Still others have followed family members already living here. There is no such thing as a “female migrant”, a generalized view does not do justice to women with a migration background.

All men and women are born with equal rights and duties and have the same inalienable right to develop their own possibilities and abilities. The equal participation of girls and women with a migration background and their opportunities to lead an independent life must therefore count among the central goals of our society in terms of gender equality and integration policy. The IFF helps individuals to discover and develop their strengths and supports groups of migrant women in formulating their interests and concerns and bringing them into the social discourse.

The aim of the association is the integration, qualification, promotion and support of migrant women in Hamm. Migrant women are to be supported in discovering and developing their own abilities in order to be able to realize independent life plans (“awareness-building and empowerment”).

The aim of the association is achieved in particular through:

  1. Education and qualification offers by holding events, seminars and conferences;
  2. Individual support and help for migrant women;
  3. Advice and networking for migrant women;
  4. Implementation of measures that awaken understanding for these groups of people and help facilitate their living situation;
  5. Support for humanitarian projects by women in other countries;
  6. General press and public relations work with the aim of informing about the situation of migrant women in Germany.
