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Umbrella organization

On International Women's Health Day: A reminder to fight the injustice of oppression

There are significant shortcomings in the care and support of migrant and refugee women, particularly in dealing with violent experiences during medical treatment. A conversation... 

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Umbrella organization

Actual diversity in the world of work or just discriminated against people as a figurehead for diversity?

By signing the Diversity Charter, 4900 companies and institutions have committed to promoting diversity in the world of work. Exactly does this mean... 

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Brave together

DaMigra's voice on VerRa, the twisted radio from Greifswald

This month, Rudaba Badakhshi (regional coordinator of the project Gemein MUTig), Irina Fischer (location coordinator of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) and Adeline Haaby (speaker for the northern region of the women rais.ed project) … 

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The German Institute for Human Rights launches the case law database ius gender and violence

A report on a different matter: since May 09.05.2023th, XNUMX, the case law database ius gender and violence, coordinated by the reporting office on gender-specific violence of the German Institute for ... 

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Umbrella organization

The ratification of the Istanbul Convention in the European Parliament: progress in sight?

On May 10.05.2023, XNUMX, the European Parliament approved the accession of the EU to the Istanbul Convention. Protection against violence for women and girls in Europe is now legally binding. This step... 

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Umbrella organization

Solidarity has many faces - exploitation too!

Berlin, May 01.05.2023st, XNUMX. The DGB, German Trade Union Confederation, is celebrating this year's day of struggle of the working class under the motto "unbroken solidarity". But how far does our solidarity reach? We know, … 

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Umbrella organization

Migrant March 2023 is over - but our resistance against daily injustice and discrimination is not!

Once again our campaign month "MigrantinnenMarch 2023" has come to an end. This year, under the motto "Examine Structures", we have every week of the ... 

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Umbrella organization

International Sinti*zze and Rom*Anja Day: Antiziganism concerns us all

Today is International Sinti*zze and Rom*nja Day and we ask ourselves: How relevant is antiziganism in Germany? Racist prejudices against Sinti*zze and Rom*nja are until ... 

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Brave together

Umbrella organization

World Health Day for everyone? Only with migrants!

World Health Day is celebrated worldwide on April 7th, which this year has the motto: "Health for all". We would like to draw attention to the situation of women with... 

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Umbrella organization

Visibility is good - equality is better!

Berlin, March 31.03.2023, XNUMX. On the international day of trans*visibility we ask ourselves: what is this day about? What does creating visibility mean and what are the demands ... 

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Migrant womenMarch 2023

Examine structures: The education system in Germany

This week we are dedicating ourselves to the education system in Germany as part of the MigrantinnenMarch - more precisely to structural racism in the education sector for people and ... 

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Migrant womenMarch 2023

Umbrella organization

21.03/XNUMX Today is International Day Against Racism

Berlin, March 21.03.2023, XNUMX. Racism affects us ALL. Today it is necessary to point out that we are ALL responsible for racist and sexist structures... 

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Brave together

Leipzig, 15 April 2024

Language café in Leipzig

Dear women, dear volunteers, dear interested parties, DaMigra eV cordially invites you to the language café as part of the “Together MUTig” project...

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Brave together

Online, 15 April 2024

Online workshop: women and work (series event)

We would like to warmly invite you to our workshop, which is specially designed for refugee women in Bavaria. This ...

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Brave together

Erfurt, 16 April 2024

Language café in Erfurt

Dear women, dear active and future volunteers, as part of the Together MUTig project, DaMigra eV at the Erfurt site invites ...

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Mara Mascolo