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Escape and Asylum

Gender-specific reasons for flight and asylum

Not least because of the refugee movements, which in 2015 led to the emergence of a humanitarian escape corridor to Western Europe on the Balkan route, sparked the debate about the welcome culture, upper limits, government failures, tightening of the asylum law and questions of security and order. Globally waged wars and humanitarian famine and natural disasters contrast with the isolationist and problem outsourcing policies of the EU and Germany.

Since it was proclaimed in 1951 by the Geneva Refugee Convention (GRC), the right to asylum has never been questioned or legally undermined in the way we are seeing in Europe today. Refugee women and girls suffer most from this development. Gender-specific reasons for fleeing and asylum such as female genital mutilation (FGM), rape, domestic violence and forced marriage are almost ignored in the debates and legislative initiatives in Germany. However, gender-based violence and persecution have a negative impact on the lives of many women and girls around the world.

Women and girls who arrive in Germany after fleeing are often traumatized. The accommodation situation in overcrowded accommodations often leads to renewed experiences of violence and to the worsening of the situation of refugee women.

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